
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Arduino project begins!

After a summer "off" to consider which tech project to take on for 2018, I decided to pause teaching with UVa SEP in 2018 and instead, pursue learning Arduino, including getting back involved with the Charlottesville Tinkersmith makers. So, I'll start blogging again to keep you posted on the ins and outs when it comes to scripting for the "Internet of Things" (IoT).

I just ordered my first circuit board, Arduino 101 with Intel Curie from Adafruit (it was out of stock on To note: it requires a standard A/B USB cable, which DOES NOT come with the circuit board! However, easily enough purchased from my local Staples for $4.99.

I'm following this lesson plan from App Inventor to build a phone app to control elements activated by this circuit board. There is a bit of downloading involved (all free, open source) and so far, I've had no problems on my new Windows 10 laptop. Key to my decision not to teach this year is that Arduino with App Inventor really is best when your learners have their own devices and circuit boards, and that 5 weeks just isn't enough time to make teaching this technology a meaningful experience for 8-9 year olds.

And finally, to tie learning IoT scripting to "social good" considerations, check out this recent CNN overview, optimistic that this new technology wave will find programmers made up of  ..."A growing number of technologists [who] ask not only what's possible but also what's responsible".

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Charlottesville, VA, United States
I'm a freelance ed tech consultant involved with learning labs throughout the Charlottesville area. M.Ed with 10+ yrs programming experience in private industry, loving reconnecting to the fun teaching animation programming.