
Friday, February 10, 2017

Twine: what's next?

Check out this interview of Twine inventor, Chris Klimas! It includes some of his favorite Twine stories you can follow links to play, but my favorite part of the interview is where he talks about using Twine in elementary education! Here's the excerpt in response to "What's your dream project?":

I have two. The first is to build a truly collaborative version of Twine, something a classroom of fifth graders can use to write stories with each other. One kid writes the sentence “You are standing in an open field west of a white house”; the one sitting next to her quickly adds two choices: “What would you like to do next? [[Announce you’re running for re-election]] or [[give Angela Merkel a call]].”

I want people—not gamers, not readers, just people—to experience something they love unabashedly and never realize it was made with Twine.

And I see Chris posts pretty regularly to the Twine user forum, so I'll be sure to pick his brain to figure out where I take teaching Twine to 4th and 5th graders beyond our first Saturday Enrichment series experience using it!

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Charlottesville, VA, United States
I'm a freelance ed tech consultant involved with learning labs throughout the Charlottesville area. M.Ed with 10+ yrs programming experience in private industry, loving reconnecting to the fun teaching animation programming.